Most of us have heard, the advice, Everything in moderation! Those, who seek, immediate, easy results, when it comes to living a happier, healthier life, are generally disappointed, because it requires a BALANCE of a variety of actions, including enhancing one's attitude, lifestyle, personal habits, diet and exercise, etc, as well as using some common sense, in the quest. While this may seem obvious, since common sense, is often, one of the rarest behaviors, only those, with patience, and discipline, and a willingness, to open - one's - mind, to consider, options, alternatives, and what's best, for you, personally, generally proceed, accordingly. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and why it makes a difference.

1. Best; better; benefits: If you hope to experience the best possible health, and well - being, it's essential to proceed, in a better way, than most do! Focus on the benefits of a variety of options and alternatives, rather than proceeding, with a narrow mind!

2. Attitude; attention: You can think you can, or think you can't. Either way, you'll be correct. Henry Ford, who was credited with saying these words, understood, the need, to proceed, with a true, positive, can - do, attitude, and paying attention, to what personal actions, are in your best, overall interest!

3. Listen; learn: Everyone makes mistakes, but the wise individual, consistently learns, from every conversation, and experience, gaining relevant expertise, and hopefully, better judgment, and wisdom! This means committing to effectively listening, far more than speaking, etc!

4. Aptitude; actions: When one develops and enhances his personal aptitude, and skill - set, and takes actions, in his own best interest, he will generally be happier, make wiser decisions, and, generally, healthier, too!

5. Needs: A healthier life demands, understanding your personal needs, priorities, goals, etc, and, differentiating, those, from unsubstantiated perceptions, opinions, and empty wishes!

6. Clever; character; creative: When someone is clever, enough, to proceed, with the quality of character, focused on a creative approach, to a happier, healthier life, much of the battle, is overcome, towards becoming the best, you can possibly be. Health, in the vast number of instances, depends on a meaningful balance of diet, exercise, happiness, self - discipline, and a desire to live a healthier life!

While all illnesses can't be avoided, a commitment to BALANCE, often makes every - day living, happier and healthier. Will you have the discipline, to proceed, in your own best - interest?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles